Taste Th e Mountain
Exporting pure coffee all over the world.
After the government of United Republic of Tanzania introduced and adopted Liberalization policies for economic growth, KNCU (1984) LTD officially established Export Unit in 1993 with the aim of value addition to meet the clients’ choices thus increasing revenues, and make Union coffee to be bought on competitive basis. Before acquiring this license our coffee was bought under very low price. Export unit has been playing a big role by ensuring more than 80% of coffee collected from our famers is sold through export by finding more coffee buyers and create good clientele from different coffee suppliers in the World. KNCU have come to realize that Direct Export is one of the effective tool of selling our farmers’ coffee as it fetches better price that cushions our coffee famers.
Through Export department today, KNCU exports quality mild washed Arabica coffee to a number of clients in Europe, Asia, South Africa and United States of America. It has three qualified personnel who are Commercial Manager, Export Marketing officer and a Liquorer where by liquorer plays a great role of ensuring the quality expectations of our clients are met accordingly by cupping the sample of coffee ordered. Actually cupping is a paramount aspect in quality control of coffee which attracts more buyers and maintains clientele. KNCU (1984) LTD has a great vision of expanding its sales through direct export in the near future as the part of making our coffee to be bought on competitive basis thus acquires better prices that meet the famers’ expectations. We warmly welcome you all to press more orders today.

How to buy from KNCU?
From our website, visit Contact Us page and make your enquiry. or send your enquiry to: